Migration and Employment Law

We provide consultancy services and help to obtain Work Permits, Temporary Residence Permits, Permits for Permanent Residence in Russia, etc.

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Corporate Law

Accredit foreign legal entities’ representations in Russia; Help with registration, reorganization and dissolution of legal entities; Formalize and register a change of participants, executive officers, changes in articles of incorporation of Russian legal entities

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Contractual and litigation work, claim settlement

Provide legal support for negotiations and business projects, represent clients’ interests in government agencies, review draft documents provided by clients’ contractors, draw up minutes, agreements and contracts, etc. in the clients’ interests.

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Tax and Customs Law

Provide consulting services and legal opinion with respect to the Tax and Customs Law; represent clients’ interests in tax and customs authorities; protect clients’ interests during tax and customs audits; challenge in court law violations committed by tax and customs authorities.

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Law of Crime and Ciminal Procedure

Protect clients’ interests during criminal investigations.

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Lawyers of the Center

Legal practice is managed by Nikolay Korytko, the Executive Partner of the Center.

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